Today marks the three year anniversary of publication of the book! That's pretty exciting to me. I've been a published author for a long time, but I honestly never thought I would publish a book. The writing of the book itself was easy, I had something to say and the words flowed effortlessly from my mind, through my fingers to the key pad.
It was the editing, design of the cover and finding a publisher that took some doing. I did a self edit by running the manuscript through Microsoft Word. Then I had some people read and edit the manuscript for me. A final check was made by the publisher, Balboa Press, but mostly, they checked to make sure I wasn't violating any copyrights and listed my sources properly.
I knew what I wanted for the cover, it was just a matter of finding the right kind of steps to photograph. I wanted an illustration of a set of steps leading up through the clouds and into the sunshine. I already had the background photo, just needed the stairs. At the suggestion of another friend, I journeyed one day to Amador County, California, where my friend said there were a lot of stairs to choose from. Sure enough, after wandering around for a while, I found the perfect set of stairs......they were leading up to a cemetery! LOL! You'd never know it by looking at the cover. Once I sandwiched the two images together the stairs didn't look right. I had the help of a graphic designer, who gave me the feedback I needed to get them the way I wanted them.
I also had to solicit some folks to write some cover blurbs, and I have to say I was so pleasantly surprised by what they had to say!
Then came the publishing. Balboa Press kept me informed every step of the way, and sure enough, one day I woke up and there it was, big and bold: my book for sale at Balboa Press and on Amazon!
Since the publication of the book, it has been translated into Russian for use in the Ukraine by Temenos Center for Spiritual Living. I have traveled all over parts of the western United States giving workshops based on the book, and I'm currently working on a downloadable self directed course also! that I'm over the initial write/publish a book hurdle, I'm working on two more!