The phrase "expectations are premeditated resentments" is very popular in 12 step circles, and just about anyone I've ever spoken to who is a member of a 12 step program believes this statement to be true. In fact, they think it makes life easier to believe that they should not have expectations.
But in New Thought, the teaching is a bit different. In New Thought we are taught that not only should we expect good in our lives, but we deserve it!
So which is it?
Join me for an exploratory journey to find out.
Do you believe that expectations are premeditated resentments? I posted this question on Facebook and you would not believe the responses I received! Obviously this is a hot topic!
So much so that I've created a workshop around it! You should attend this workshop:
- If you believe in the statement
- If you believe in it but feel as if there may be some built in limitations there
- If you don't believe in the statement
- If you want to explore some other ways to think about things than what is "normal" for you.
The timing of this workshop is not an accident. I purposely scheduled it for just before the holiday season because I know there are many people who tend to have some expectations about the holidays, and I know that sometimes those expectations are not met.
Plus, this workshop has a bonus: two ways to restore or create some sacredness into your holiday season...we will explore gratitude and rebirth within us during the last portion of this workshop.
Three hours, $25....that's the commitment I am asking of you. In return, you will get knowledge and skills that will last you a lifetime. And you won't even have to leave the comfort of your home to attend! Register and I will email you the link to attend the class via Zoom. Zoom is very much like Sype, only a bit easier to use.
I hope to see you there!